
n. 外国人, 外地人
[法] 外国人, 进口货, 外国货

n. a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country
n. someone who is excluded from or is not a member of a group


1.foreign and domestic. foreign and domestic.

一切敌对势力侵犯 一切敌对势力侵犯

2.I don’t like foreign movies. I like foreign films.

我不喜欢外国电影 我喜欢外国影片

3.We’re told not to speak to foreigners, especially not foreign dancers.

我们不能跟外国人说话 尤其是外国舞者

4.You’re in the school, you’re in that world, and that world is foreign to the audience, but it’s also foreign to the main guy, who’s there.

你在那所学校里 在那个世界里 而那个世界对于观众很陌生 但对于主角也同样陌生

5.They kill foreigners, they don’t reason with them.

他们蛮不讲理 直接杀死外国人

6.She was a secretary in their foreign office.


7.If a foreigner passed through, then they’d be talking about it.

只要有外国人路过 人们一定会谈论

8.That wasn’t his job. It was foreign policy.

那不是他的职责 他的职责是外交政策

9.He’s a foreigner, so he doesn’t know your reputation.

他是外国人 所以不了解你的名誉

10.From her accent, we know she’s foreign.

从她的口音 可以知道她是外国人
