
n. 合伙, 合股, 合作关系
[经] 合伙(合作)关系, 全体合伙人

n. the members of a business venture created by contract
n. a cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share responsibility for achieving some specific goal
n. a contract between two or more persons who agree to pool talent and money and share profits or losses


1.Ours is an unconventional partnership, but it’s a partnership.

虽然我们是非传统的合伙人 但也是合伙人

2.So, usually in a partnership, there’s a partnership.

通常 分组合作的时候 我们得合作

3.Because we’re up for the same partnership.


4.But this isn’t a firm. It’s a partnership.

但这不只是间律所 还是个合作关系

5.How important this partnership is to me.


6.You how important this partnership is to me.


7.It would appear this partnership is over.

在我看来 我们的合作已经结束了

8.I had him guarantee partnership was on the table.


9.I love what we do; I love our partnership.

我喜欢我们做的事 我喜欢做你的搭档

10.Join her in what? In an allfemale partnership.

和她一伙儿干嘛 全女性律所
