
n. 命令, 严命, 许可
[医] 制成, 作成

n a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)


1.The dollar, the pound, the euro are all government fiat currencies.

美元 英镑 欧元 都是政府法定货币 volentas your sicut in caelo, et on earth.

愿你的旨意奉行在人间如同在天上 voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.


4.The fiat system of money is a man made law, and it’s been abused.

法定货币制度是人订的法条 而这一制度正被滥用

5.Only the government has the power to issue fiat money, but banks can create it through lending.

只有政府才有权发行法定货币 但银行可以通过贷款来创造它

6.I won’t say that we are going to the end of humanity, but it’s just going to be absolute collapse of our world as we have known it, because it can not function on fiat money.

我不是说全人类将因此灭亡 但肯定将会是 我们所熟知的这个世界的全面崩溃 因为法定货币难以维持世界的运转

7.Over the last 40 years, since this system of fiat money became the global norm, the supply of money has grown exponentially.

过去四十年里 法定货币系统通行全球 而货币供应量呈指数上升

8.前华尔街交易员 and you go into a fiat money currency combined with a fractional reserve banking system, you end up compounding debt faster than you can ever possibly produce to support that debt.

\h\h马克斯·凯泽 使用法定货币 又因为实行部分准备金制度 结果负债就一天天增加 债务增速之快 使得收入再也不足以还债
