
n. 入迷, 瘾
[医] 瘾, 癖嗜

n. being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming (especially alcohol or narcotic drugs)
n. an abnormally strong craving
n. (Roman law) a formal award by a magistrate of a thing or person to another person (as the award of a debtor to his creditor); a surrender to a master


1.She used because she was an addict, and that’s what addicts do.

她嗑药了是因为她是吸毒者 吸毒者就这样

2.Who said I’m an addict? I’m not an addict.

谁说我有瘾了 我没有瘾

3.I’m an addict, and when an addict makes up their mind to do something, they do it.

我是个瘾君子 当一个瘾君子决心要做什么事情的时候 就会去做

4.He sends his addicts to rehab. I’m not an addict anymore.

他把瘾君子都送去戒毒所 我已经不是了

5.It’s a day for addicts to blame their families for their addictions.

是瘾君子把他们的毒瘾 归咎于自己的家人的日子

6.She became addicted to that painkiller because my sister was an addict.

她对那个止痛药上了瘾 因为我姐姐曾有毒瘾

7.He is a drug addict who flaunts his addiction and refuses to get treatment.

他嗜药成瘾 不仅以此为荣 还拒绝治疗

8.Though some find pleasure in it, homosexuality is an addiction, an addiction that tears families apart.

虽然有人在其中找到乐趣 但同性恋是其实一种瘾 让家庭支离破碎的瘾

9.Psychologically, a stalker is like an addict, but instead of a drug, they’re addicted to their obsession, usually a celebrity.

从心理学上来说 跟踪狂 也是一个成瘾者 只不过对象不是 而是他们迷恋的对象 往往是某个名人

10.In my experience, addicts can turn others to addiction because it makes them feel less guilty about their troubles.

根据我的警员 有毒瘾的人会让身边的人也染上毒瘾 因为这会让他们对自己的麻烦 少点罪恶感
