
n. 优势, 显性, 统治, 控制, 支配
[计] 控制, 扰势

n. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another
n. the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not


1.That’s all I’m here to do: dominate.

而我所做的就是 主导一切

2.The submissive follows the rules, knows the dominant’s type, obtains the victims and disposes of the body once the dominant has completed his killing ritual.

顺从者听从指挥 知晓支配者的喜好 带回被害人 等支配者完成杀戮仪式 顺从者就负责替他抛尸

3.But these aren’t sex crimes, which indicates they are instead crimes of domination, an effort on his part to gain control over men who, based on their physical similarities, represent a man who once had dominance over him a father, an older brother.

但并不是性犯罪 也就是说这些是统治型犯罪 费尽心思为了能够占据主导 鉴于受害者体态相似 表明这个曾生活在他人主导的阴影下 父亲 或是兄长

4.Or you wouldn’t have been reasserting your dominance over her.


5.that I had to so aggressively dominate her.


6.I was the dominant one in the relationship.

我們兩個中 我是主導者

7.And when we do, we’ll join him in dominating this planet.

而我们成功后 就可以和他一起统治这个星球

8.She told me that it was your dominance that turned her on.

她跟我说是你对她的支配 激起了她的

9.Dominic had her in his crosshairs for months.

几个月以来 多米尼克一直想杀了她

10.And he’d want to show his dominance.

