n. 艾娜(女子名)
1.Me and ina, we’ll help you with the down payment.
我和艾娜 我们会帮你们付首付
2.I’ll have ina do a little research, see what’s available.
我会让艾娜打听一下 看看有没有在售的房子
3.ina, the woman have suffered enough already.
艾娜 这女人已经够可怜的了
4.ina ends her day with a visit to her grandchildren.
5.I know you’ve never liked him, ina, but just because you don’t know him.
我知道你一直不喜欢他 艾娜 但那只是因为你不了解他
6.A patient came in with a disease that makes you speak ina foreign accents.
今天来了个病人 得了说话带口音的怪病
7.Mariana, ina and Irene’s family has been farming wheat and hay on these highlands for generations.
玛丽安娜 伊娜和艾琳的家族 世世代代 在这片高地上种植小麦和干草
8.I’m just gonna slip inside her brain, do my thing, whambam, thank you, ma’am and I’m done ina two minutes.
我只要溜进她的脑子里 做我做的事 谢谢 女士 然后两分钟就搞定了