
n. 扰乱, 不安, 忧虑
[化] 扰动; 干扰; 失调

n. an unhappy and worried mental state
n. a disorderly outburst or tumult
n. the act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion


1.My disturbing images disturbed her already disturbed mind.


2.I’m not disturbed by him. I’m disturbed by us.

让我糟心的不是他 而是我们自己

3.They disturb our peace and now we will disturb theirs.

他们侵扰了我们的宁静 现在我们也让他们不得安宁

4.It would be disturbing if they didn’t.


5.Others considered him to be disturbed, but what they saw as a disturbance of the mind was, in fact, an exceptional gift.

别人觉得他精神不正常 但他们所认为不正常的头脑 实际上却是了不起的天赋

6.The idea is that you stop your friend, who is a disturbing kid, from becoming a disturbing , because one day he may start being mean to people.

这是为了阻止你的朋友从令人不安的孩子 长成令人不安的大人 因为有一天 他可能会开始对人不友好

7.I told you. I’m not to be disturbed.

我跟你说过了 不要打扰我

8.Because the similarities between them are disturbing.


9.That is disturbing that you deny it.

你还否认 真让人担心啊

10.I’m not disturbing you,i hope not at all.

我希望没有打扰到你 没有
