
n. 印度人, 印第安人, 印第安语
a. 印度的, 印度群岛的, 印第安语的

n. a member of the race of people living in America when Europeans arrived
n. a native or inhabitant of India
a. of or relating to or characteristic of India or the East Indies or their peoples or languages or cultures


1.Bucky gets himself captured by one of the Indians not just any Indian, the big Indian.

巴基被一个印第安人抓住了 不是寻常的印第安人 是个大人物

2.We’re going for an Indian. In the Indian naked.

我们要去吃印度菜 光着去呗

3.Playing an Indian in front of an Indian crowd.


4.One little, two little, three little Indians, four little, five little, six little Indians, seven little, eight little, nine little Indians.

一个 两个 三个印第安人 四个 五个 六个印第安人 七个 八个 九个印第安人

5.It speaks to an Indian wanting to sound a little more like an Indian.

這意味著一個印第安人 想要讓自己的名字聽起來更印第安一些

6.He grew his beard in an Indian style and he fathered children with Indian women.

蓄起印度风格的胡子 和印度女子一起生养子女

7.We’ve kept Indian food as comfort food, and that’s why Indian chefs have not excelled.

我們安于將印度菜停留在親民料理 所以印度廚師至今未能登峰造極

8.On the Indian reservation, you people drink yourselves unconscious, but I never hear of an Indian getting a liver transplant.

在印第安保护区 你们喝酒喝得昏天黑地 可怎么从来没有印第安人需要肝移植的

9.She is, and we’re going for an Indian.

她确实会来 而且我们也真的要去吃印度菜

10.And he’s been living with the Indians.

