
a. 血腥的, 嗜杀的, 有血的

v. cover with blood
a. having or covered with or accompanied by blood
r. extremely


1.Why, it’s true modern warfare a bloody, bloody battle.

为什么 这才是真正的现代战争 血腥而残忍

2.You should have been bloody furloughed, furloughed off to the bloody madhouse long ago.

你早就该被休无薪假的 休假去该死的疯人院

3.I just need some proper bloody tools with nonstick bloody handles, that’s all.

我只是需要一些称手的工具 把手别黏不拉叽的 就够了

4.We are entering a bloody phase of a bloody war with no quarter asked or given.

我们身处一场血腥战争的攻坚阶段 毫无怜悯和姑息

5.Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, and bloody soul for bloody soul.

以眼还眼 以牙还牙 一命换一命

6.bloody, as bloody as possible for my real steak and steak tartare for our famished warrior over here.

要生一点 我的牛排越生越好 鞑靼牛排给我们这位饿坏了的战士

7.No, I bloody don’t, and especially not to you.

对 我当然不想 特别是不想输给你

8.Sleep, bloodies, do it all over again.

睡觉和 我们再重来一次
