
n. 水疱
[化] 砂眼

n. a flaw on a surface resulting when an applied substance does not adhere (as an air bubble in a coat of paint)
n. (botany) a swelling on a plant similar to that on the skin
n. (pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid
v. get blistered


1.Look, look look. I’ve got blisters on my blisters.

你看看 我的水泡都起水泡了

2.And you’d have severe blistering all over your face.


3.Here… the last thing you need are blisters.

给你 你最不需要的就是起水泡了

4.The blisters in the soles of her feet are the most painful.

她脚底的水疱 最让她疼痛难耐

5.Every inch of my body was blackened and blistered by you.

我身上的每寸肌肤 都因为你变得黑糊糊满是水泡

6.Here I’m looking for minute blisters which are very difficult to see.

现在我正寻找一些很小的气泡 这些气泡很难发现

7.Form a blister, a counterirritant to help you with effusion.

咬出一个水泡 渗出的抗 剂能治疗你

8.I guess I still have a few blisters where I used to have calluses.

我想我的内心 还是有一些阴影

9.He appears to have some sort of lesion, or blister on his face.

他脸上似乎有处损伤 还是水泡
