
n. 杏仁
[化] 杏仁

n. small bushy deciduous tree native to Asia and North Africa having pretty pink blossoms and highly prized edible nuts enclosed in a hard green hull; cultivated in southern Australia and California
n. oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree


1.They have almonds in them? I’m allergic to almonds.

每个都有吗 可我对杏仁过敏啊

2.No, he reeked of almonds because his discharge was laced with almond extract.

不 他闻起来是杏仁味 因为他的呕吐物里加了杏仁提取物

3.It’s a simple mix of ground almonds, butter, three whole eggs, some flaked almonds and flour to thicken it up.

只需要加入杏仁粉 黄油 三个全蛋 杏仁片 再加些面粉起到增稠作用

4.Oh, no, no, no, they have almonds in them.

不行不行 这里面有杏仁

5.You couldn’t have known this, but I’m allergic to almonds.

这次不知道就算了 可我对杏仁过敏

6.The amygdala should be the size of an almond.


7.That’s why you’re eating those almond cookies.


8.Whatever the reason, there are no almonds here.

无论怎样 这里肯定没有杏仁油

9.After you get rid of him, we’ll have almond cake.

等你搞定他 我们去吃杏仁蛋糕

10.almond, you should interview some suspicious character.

阿尔蒙德 你得去盘问几个可疑的人
