
vi. 玩戏法, 行骗, 篡改
vt. 耍弄, 歪曲, 篡改
n. 玩戏法, 魔术, 欺骗

n. the act of rearranging things to give a misleading impression
n. throwing and catching several objects simultaneously
v. influence by slyness
v. manipulate by or as if by moving around components


1.Do you juggle or just… I’m not a freak.

你是杂耍的还是… 我不是怪胎

2.I tried. I… I don’t know how to juggle.

我尽力了 我不知道怎么玩杂耍

3.To juggle it with the job, that’s insane.

顾着这事 还要顾着工作 简直疯了

4.I shouldn’t have skipped those juggling classes in college.


5.I’m juggling more balls than I can handle.

我丢出的杂耍球太多 我应付不来

6.He was juggling the aller guy against his will.


7.I once met a girl who didn’t like juggling.


8.Charity and politics, it’s a juggle, I won’t lie.

慈善和 确实很难应付 我得承认

9.Well, you’re not drooling, but you’re not juggling, either.

你不流口水 但也耍不了杂技

10.He stops by, complains about the difficulties of juggling his women.

他路过和我抱怨了一些 玩弄女人的烦恼
