
n. 道德, 教训, 品行
[法] 道德, 道义

n. concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct


1.I mean, the universe is moral, but it shares your views on morality.

宇宙是有道德的 但它还掺杂了你对道德的看法

2.So here’s the moral import of the distinction between moral desert and entitlements to legitimate expectations.

所以这就是在道德应得和合理期望 在道德含义上的区别

3.IIf experimenting on humans is morally wrong, then I don’t want to be morally right.

如果用人类做试验在道德上是错的 那我不想当个道德正确的人

4.So you don’t need the idea of a nonvoluntary particular moral obligation to capture the moral force of community values.

所以你无需 一种非自愿的特定道德义务的思想 来俘虏社群价值观念的道德力量

5.This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle.

斗争可能是在道德方面 也可能是在物质方面 还可能是既在道德又在物质方面进行 但无论如何斗争是必须的

6.It can’t make sense of our moral experience because it can’t account for certain moral and political obligations that we commonly recognize and even prize.

它无法解释我们的道德经历 因其无法解释 我们通常认可并嘉奖的 某些道德和 义务

7.It’s not good for public moral, and it reflects badly on the force, hence forth, anything that encourages violence is also bad for public morale and reflects badly on us.

这对公共道德不太好 而且对队伍影响 很坏 因此 任何鼓励暴力的行为对 公共道德不好 对我们的影响也很糟糕

8.The image of the self is free and independent offers a, if you think about it, a powerful liberating vision because what it says is that as free moral persons we are not bound by any ties of history or of tradition or of inherited status that we haven’t chosen for ourselves, and so we’re unbound by any moral ties prior to our choosing them.

人作为自由且独立的个体 展现出一幅强大自由的画面 因为它所表达的是 身为自由的道德人 我们不该被任何并非自己选择的 历史的纽带所束缚 也不被传统 和与生俱来的身份所约束 所以在选择之前 我们不被任何道德准绳所制约

9.So there has to be some other moral judgment.


10.And we wouldn’t have any moral qualms about it.

