
adv. 清楚地

r. without doubt or question
r. in an easily perceptible manner


1.It’s not clear. It’s not clear to me.

不明显 对我来说不明显

2.No, no, no, she’s clear, she’s clear.

不用不用 她好了 她好了

3.No, it’s not clear. It’s not clear at all.

不 不明白 完全不明白

4.We are not clear. I repeat, we are not clear.

我们没有脱离战斗 重复 我们没有脱离战斗

5.You are clear to vent, clear to vent.

你们可以排气了 可以排气了

6.He is mystical when he should be clear and clear when he should be mystical.

该挑明的时候他装神秘 该神秘的时候他全挑明

7.If it’s clear to you,it will be clear to the court.

如果你说她没有吸毒 那就没有吸呗

8.There were clearly cameras, they clearly fingered me.

显然有摄像头 他们指认了我

9.It’s clear to me. It’s utterly clear to me now.

现在我想明白了 我彻彻底底明白了

10.And then, as soon as you clear that, you’re clearing the rest of it.

然后 确保这里安全之后 再确认其他地方的安全
