
n. 酱油, 大豆
[医] 大豆; 酱油

n. a source of oil; used for forage and soil improvement and as food
n. erect bushy hairy annual herb having trifoliate leaves and purple to pink flowers; extensively cultivated for food and forage and soil improvement but especially for its nutritious oil-rich seeds; native to Asia
n. the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known; the fruit of the soybean plant is used in a variety of foods and as fodder (especially as a replacement for animal protein)


1.A soy milk maker. I make me own soy milk.

一个豆浆机 我自己榨豆浆

2.Now, mind you, the beef is soy, the cheese is soy, but these mushrooms, mmm, are mushrooms.

不过要提醒你们 牛肉是大豆合成的 奶酪也是大豆合成的 但是这里面的蘑菇 可是真的 beans? I can’t believe I was gonna live with someone who thought soy beans were a growth market.

黄豆 真不敢相信我本来会跟一个 认为黄豆是成长型市场的人同住

4.And to no more halfcaff soy frappes.


5.You knew I had a soy latte because you know me.


6.And in the morning, you had a soy latte after your run.

周日早上 你跑步回来喝了杯豆浆拿铁

7.Enjoy me with this packet of soy sauce.

配上这包酱油 好好享用我吧

8.Lady, you’re out of soy milk because I spilt it all.

女士 我们没有酸牛奶了 因为我全洒掉了

9.Store down the street. I’m… I’m out of soy milk.

我要去街边的商店 我家没有豆奶了

10.Skinny soy latte with an extra shot.

去脂豆奶拿铁 多加一份浓缩咖啡
