
n. 药物治疗, 药物处理, 医药
[医] 药疗法, 投药法

n. the act of treating with medicines or remedies


1.Blood pressure medication, cholesterol medication, all of your basic everyday medications.

降压药 降胆固醇药 几乎所有基础的日常药物

2.Our unsub has medical knowledge and access to medical equipment like the syringe and the drugs that he uses to subdue his victims, so let’s look at males in the medical field who have a criminal record.

嫌犯具一定医学知识 而且能接触到医疗设备 比如用来制伏被害人的注射器和药物 所以我们要关注在医疗领域工作 有犯罪记录的男性

3.We’ve got the medical gloves, the medical records he pulled.


4.I need my medical kit, disinfectant, and pain medication.

我需要我的医药箱 消毒剂 还有止痛药

5.He was on medication. In his final days, he was on a great deal of medication.

他在用药 他死前的日子里 他在使用大量药物

6.These people need medical care. I’m giving medical care.

这些人需要医疗救助 我能提供医疗救助

7.Customers with your current medical symptoms browsed blood pressure medication.

与您症状相似的客户 浏览了血压相关的治疗方法

8.No, I mean, like someone who went to medical school and can prescribe medication.

我是说上过医学院 可以开处方药的医生

9.I’m not gonna be forced into making a choice between medical innovation and access to medical care.

我不会让他们逼我在 医学创新和平价医疗之间做出选择的

10.All arriving medical personnel, please report to medical tent 127 in the red zone.

所有到达的医疗人员 请到红区127医疗帐篷报到
