
n. 哈巴狗, 泥料, 拳击运动员, (兽)脚印
vt. 捣, 跟踪追寻

n. small compact smooth-coated breed of Asiatic origin having a tightly curled tail and broad flat wrinkled muzzle


1.Let me assist you with that, future pug.

让我来帮你吧 未来的汪星人

2.II want this lab. I want a little pug.

我要这个实验室 我要养只小狗

3.I can’t believe you’ve got two studs, and I’m sleeping with my pug.

难以置信你有两个 而我只能跟我的八哥犬睡在一起

4.You may strike subsequent jurors for good cause only, and loving pugs isn’t cause.

后面的陪审员你只能以合理理由剔除 喜欢哈巴狗不算

5.Gotten a monsoon of death threats since I cancelled the annual pug parade.

自从我取消了年度哈巴狗 就收到了大量的死亡威胁

6.I had this whole romantic proposal planned and it didn’t include a pug sweatshirt but I guess I’ll just wing it.

我筹划这个浪漫的求婚很久了 没想到我会穿着哈巴狗卫衣 不过我想我还是这么做好了

7.See, the thing about the fight game, if you understand it, is that unless someone’s rigged something, you can look at a couple of pugs and just know who has the advantage.

关于这场 如果你深入了解下 就会知道 除非有人在暗中操控着什么 要不然你只要看看那些哈巴狗跟着谁 就可以知道谁占上风

8.Then cut to 4 hours later, she’s throwing me an air kiss and rushing out the door to work, and I’m stuck at 2:00 in the morning walking her little pug.

四个小时之后 她扔给我一个飞吻 就冲出门去上班了 凌晨两点 我僵在那里 给她遛狗
