n. 书架, 书柜
n. a piece of furniture with shelves for storing books
1.So that he could look in the bookcase.
2.Ted, there’s a safe in the bookcase.
泰德 书架上有个保险箱
3.In the den…the safe in the bookcase.
书房里… 书架上的保险箱
4.Yeah, that’s why we keep the bookcase there.
是的 所以我们才放书架在那里
5.And when I did, this heavy bookcase at our house, it fell on top of him.
当我这么做时 家里一个沉重的书架 倒下来砸在他身上
6.Cleaning crew found it wedged under a bookcase.
清理人员发现这个楔在一个书柜下面 know, in between the backboard and the frame of that little bookcase.
从后挡板之间 或那个小书橱的支架中掉落出来
8.The bookcase hasn’t come in so I don’t know if they intend to introduce it or not, but it’s not here.
书橱还没上过庭 所以我不知道他们是否打算 采用这个证据 反正它不在这里
9.As you can see, they knocked over a bookcase when they went in.
这里能看到 他们进入时撞倒了一个书架
10.She has a safe behind her bookcase in her study at home.