
adv. 猛烈地, 厉害地

r. in an emotionally fierce manner


1.And other than that, she was fierce.

除此之外 她真的很凶猛

2.He was always unusually fierce in his expression of faith, some thought too fierce.

他对信仰的表示总是异常激烈 有些想法过于激烈了

3.That fierceness is why she isn’t here today.

正是这份热烈的爱 让她今天埋葬于此

4.You are and you have always been the most fierce of us all.

一直以来你都是我们中 最凶悍的人

5.He’s a fighter, fierce as a bulldog.

他是个斗士 像斗牛犬一样凶猛

6.She had a very fierce look when she said this.

说这话的时候 她的表情很坚定

7.But they can be fierce when provoked.

但如果被激怒了 他们会很野蛮

8.Danny was both romantic and fiercely political.

丹尼既浪漫又有著極端的 觀點

9.They were animatronic, but still quite fierce.

他们都是电子控制的 但还是很凶猛

10.You claimed to love me for my fierce will.

