
[医] 阴茎

n a hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head
n coarse curly-leafed cabbage


1.Cole, we haven’t seen you in a while.

科尔 我们有段时间没见你了

2.Cole, there’s a sniper in that tree over there.

科尔 那边树上有个狙击手

3.Cole, you have to kill the witness with this.

科尔 你必须得用这个杀了见证者

4.Cole, she hasn’t had these sheets in years.

科尔 她已经很多年不睡这样的床单了

5.Cole, you don’t talk to me like that.

科尔 你不能用这种态度跟我说话

6.Cole, I… I have to tell you something.

科尔 我必须告诉你一件事

7.Cole, whatever you do, do not open that case.

科尔 不管你做什么 不要打开箱子

8.Cole is doing his best in an impossible situation.

这种难两全的情况下 科尔已经尽力做了

9.I would be very careful about what you say to me next, cole.

下次和我说话时注意点 科尔

10.Cole was working for some bad people.

