
adv. 漂流地, 漂浮着, 随波逐流地
a. 漂浮着的

s. aimlessly drifting
s. afloat on the surface of a body of water
r. floating freely; not anchored
r. off course, wandering aimlessly


1.adrift in a time that is not my own.


2.I was alone and adrift, and you have shown me kindness.

我孤身一人 四处漂泊 而你对我很好

3.I was adrift back then. I hadhad no purpose.

我那时很茫然 没有目标

4.It seemed to be adrift and seemed as uncertainty.

变得动荡起来 充满了不确定性

5.I set you adrift to sail your own barque.

我放你自由 你自己去远航吧

6.Their senses adrift, frayed through lack of rest.

因为休息得不好 感官都不灵敏了 疲惫了

7.And it reminded me, perhaps I am truly adrift in this time.

这倒是提醒了我 也许这次我真的是漫无目的

8.Thethe library is adrift in…time and space.


9.Our ship encountered your vessel adrift in space.


10.That ship has been adrift for nearly 14 years.

