
n. 蛛形纲动物
[医] 蜘蛛

n. air-breathing arthropods characterized by simple eyes and four pairs of legs


1.Technically I’m an arachnid, but go on.

严格上来说我是蛛形纲的 不过你们继续

2.I treated you for your arachnid infestation.


3.We’re interested in utilising the genetic strengths of arachnids.


4.arachnid, spin me the longest and strongest thread you have.

蛛形纲 吐一条最长最坚韧的丝

5.It’s very hard to sex them unless they’re breeding, arachnids.

蛛形纲动物 非繁殖期很难判断性别

6.I’m a research fellow in zoology, specialising in arachnids and arthropods.

我是动物学研究员 专门研究蛛形纲和节肢动物

7.Which brings us, in the typically roundabout way of nature, to the arachnids.

于是我们沿着大自然一贯 曲折复杂的联系 来看蛛形纲动物

8.Moving upward into view, three huge, white arachnids with eagle wings.

然后你们看到了 三只巨大的白色蜘蛛 长着鹰翼
