
a. 怀恨的, 怀有恶意的, 恶意的

s showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite


1.I hate myself for it in spite of what he was, in spite of what he did to me.

我也为此而恨自己 不管他是什么样的人 不管他对我做了什么

2.He has three impulses that drive his decisionmaking: spite, spite and spite.

驱动他做决策的 有三个 怨恨 怨恨 还是怨恨

3.I am who I am not because of them but in spite of them.

尽管有他们 我依然成长成了真正的自己

4.Not in spite of who they are but because of it.

不是说即便是这样的人都能有用 恰恰是因为他们是什么样的人

5.I’ve stayed on now in spite of myself, in spite of everything I’ve ever held to be true.

我鬼使神差地在这里 尽管和我以前相信的东西相悖

6.Gavin, you think you’re the most spiteful guy in town, but you’re not even the most spiteful guy in this room.

盖文 你觉得你是全城最恶劣的人 其实你都不是这屋里最恶劣的人

7.So then I married him, out of spite.

所以我就嫁给了他 为了泄恨

8.I promise she’s not doing it to spite you.


9.What struck me was how spiteful it was.


10….you’d come with me, out of spite.

你也得一起去 纯粹出于恶意
