
n. 蔷薇花蕾, 妙龄少女

n. the bud of a rose
n. (a literary reference to) a pretty young girl


1.Pretty sure you mean rosebuds, but I get what you mean.

你肯定是指玫瑰花蕾 但我懂你意思

2.Because people don’t do rosebud scenes on their first day on the job.

因为没人会在入行的第一天 就肯拍玫瑰花蕾戏

3.Gather your rosebuds, carpe the diem, ask the kid to coffee.

抓住机遇 及时行乐 约那孩子去喝咖啡

4.But we are yet to find our rosebud, the elusive clue that will unlock the mystery.

但我们还没找到我们的玫瑰花蕾 那个难以察觉的线索最终会解开这个迷
