a. 粗笨的, 易犯错的
v commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake
v make one’s way clumsily or blindly
v utter impulsively
1.I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders.
感谢你们 不在意我的鲁莽之举 依然接受我
2.But those two policeman, that was an embarassing blunder.
那两个警察的事 还真是失策啊
3.There’s definitely a few blunders here and there that we could look past.
回首过去 肯定也有重大失误什么的
4.However, the victim of a clerical blunder.
但是 他将是文件错误的受害者
5.There was no… there was no giddy mishap, no drunken blunder.
没有任何微醺的意外 醉酒后也没有犯任何大错
6.I can’t imagine your orders entailed such a blunderous tactic.
我无法想象你接到的命令 还包含如此低级的策略
7.And blundered straight into the middle of the hyena clan.
8.maybe there’s a way we could bury your humiliating blunder.
9.Jackie, I feel so bad about my blunder this morning.
杰姬 我今天早上犯的过错让我很愧疚
10.I almost wish he makes that blunder so we destroy him.
我倒希望他如此失策 以便我们消灭他