n. 责任, 关税, 职务, 尊敬
[化] 职责
n. the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty”- John D.Rockefeller Jr
n. work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons
n. a government tax on imports or exports
1.You’re off duty. I’m always on duty.
你下班了 我从来不下班
2.Now this duty is not a statutory duty.
3.Then I’m on shore duty and mom duty.
4.Your duties and seeing that you fulfill them is my duty, like it or not.
我的职责就是看好你履行职责 不管你愿不愿意
5.I did what I did because it was my duty.
我之前做的那些事 完全是职责所在
6.But duty is a hard taskmistress, and it is in the name of duty that we are here today.
责任是位严厉的女监工 而我们正是以责任的名义 齐聚于此
7.He’s worried that you’re confusing your duty as a defense attorney with your duties as a witness.
他担心你混淆了身为辩护律师的职责 以及身为证人的义务
8.They must always be subordinate to the duties that we have to human beings as such, the universal duties.
在我们对人类的义务面前 在这些普遍义务面前 它们总是次要的
9.The only reason I said yes to book club was because you’re on kid duty, which means, you’re on kid duty.
我之所以答应去读书会 是因为你能看孩子 也就是说 你要看好孩子
10.They have no further duties until you hear from me.
在我通知你前 他们先按兵不动