n. 半径, 范围, 辐射光线
[电] 半径
n. the length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or sphere
n. a straight line from the center to the perimeter of a circle (or from the center to the surface of a sphere)
n. a circular region whose area is indicated by the length of its radius
n. the outer and slightly shorter of the two bones of the human forearm
1.It means we’re talking about a blast radius, a halfamile blast radius.
这指的是爆炸半径 800米爆炸半径
2.The deceased presents with breaks to the radius, distal ulnar and a fracture to the distal radius of the left hand.
死者的桡骨和尺骨远端骨折 左手桡骨远端也有一处骨折
3.We have it triangulated to a oneblock radius.
4.That’s a spiral fracture on her radius.
5.We’ve narrowed it down to a tenblock radius.
6.American sanctions don’t have a blast radius.
7.There are falsestart kerf marks on this radius.
8.That ship could be docked in a 25mile radius.
25英里半径内 那艘船可能停靠在任何地方
9.Our units are covering a 100mile radius.
我们的部队 遍布方圆161公里的范围
10.Harrison could be anywhere in this fivemile radius.