n. 屁眼儿, 肛门;令人讨厌的人
n. insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
1.Every says he’s an because his father was an .
每个 都会说 因为爸爸是 所以自己才变成
2.So, you know, an , just not our .
所以他虽然是个 但不是他干的
3.So get up and help me kick this ‘s .
所以赶快起来 帮我狠揍这个
4.When I’m old enough, and then I’ll be in charge of this shitass town, and none of these s will be able to tell me what to do anymore, including my dad and my brothers.
我要竞选市长 等我成了这个破镇的老大 看那些 还怎么对我指手画脚 包括我 的老爸和哥哥们