
n. 漂流物, 漂流, 动向
v. (使)漂流

n. a force that moves something along
n. the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane)
n. a process of linguistic change over a period of time
n. a large mass of material that is heaped up by the wind or by water currents


1.He drifts down, he goes up, he drifts down, they all do it.

他落下来 飞起来 又落下来 他们都那么跳

2.That’s the drift, we’ve established the drift, it goes that way.

这是水流的方向 我们确定了水流

3.He’d find a drift in the currents and then we’d just drift across the coral.

他发现了一股水流 我们只要跟着水流飘过珊瑚礁就可以了

4.In short, we may have a society in which robots will drift away from total metal toward the organic, and human beings will drift away from the total organic toward the metal, and plastic.

简单来说 在我们所处的社会中 机器人可能将渐渐远离纯金属材质 逐步靠近有机生物 人类也将渐渐远离纯有机生物 逐步靠近金属和塑料

5.If you drift off to sleep, that’s fine.

如果你睡过去了 也没事

6.We are marooned in space and drifting.


7.And then we let it drift over to the other side.


8.We drifted and you know, didn’t recognise each other.

我们日渐疏远 彼此之间形同陌路

9.You drift through life with no responsibilities.


10.He wasn’t; that caused the couple to drift apart.

他却没有此信仰 所以他们渐渐疏远了
