n. 迷迭香
[化] 迷迭香
n. widely cultivated for its fragrant grey-green leaves used in cooking and in perfumery
n. extremely pungent leaves used fresh or dried as seasoning for especially meats
1.詹姆斯·比爾德獎獲獎美食評論家 where you pour boiling water into rosemary to get the rosemary scent while you eat.
弗朗西斯·拉姆 那段話是這么寫的 你用沸水沖泡迷迭香 以使其香味在用餐時彌散席間
2.詹姆斯·比尔德奖获奖美食评论家 where you pour boiling water into rosemary to get the rosemary scent while you eat.
弗朗西斯·拉姆 那段话是这么写的 你用沸水冲泡迷迭香 以使其香味在用餐时弥散席间
3.rosemary, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
罗斯玛丽 你胡说什么呢
4.rosemary! I’m right here. I’m right here.
罗斯玛丽 我就在这 就在这
5.rosemary and I used to laugh about it.
6.rosemary, talk to me. It just kicked.
罗斯玛丽 说句话 它刚刚踢我了
7.rosemary, this is the man to know if you’re up to any mischief.
罗斯玛丽 要是想搞恶作剧 找他准没错
8.rosemary, there are no wallflowers allowed at my parties.
罗斯玛丽 来我的派对可不能光站着
9.rosemary dated him the summer before she died.
10.rosemary cared more about other people than she cared about herself.
比起她自己 罗斯玛丽更加在乎别人