n. 商标
[法] 商标
n. a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product
v. register the trademark of
1.But I should have trademarked my process.
2.I do have one regret of not trademarking it.
不过我挺后悔 没给这词注册一个商标
3.Every single trademark has been an ordeal.
4.As I’ve argued repeatedly, this is trademark infringement.
正如我不斷重申的 這是商標侵權
5.Owning the trademark anybody can do it.
拥有自己的商标 谁都可以做到
6.And then you went into your trademark and signature spins.
7.I would trademark it if I wanted anyone to know I had it.
我会给它贴商标 如果我想让人知道我有这个设备的话
8.It is trademarked, so don’t get any funny ideas.
这名字都注册商标了 别动歪脑筋
9.A catchphrase is a trademark and protected as a form of property.
金句也是一种商标 能作为财产被保护起来
10.A sharpened pipe kind of became a trademark for him.