a. 怀孕的, 充满的, 思想丰富的, 成果丰硕的
[医] 妊娠的, 有孕的
a. carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life
1.My scan indicates that you are pregnant, pregnant, pregnant.
2.But when I say she was pregnant, she was, like, pregnant.
但我说她怀孕时 她真的怀上孕了
3.Not just to get pregnant, but to stay pregnant.
不仅是怀上孩子 还有如何安胎
4.I’m not pregnant, okay? I’m the furthest thing from pregnant.
我没怀孕 好吗 我离怀孕差得远呢
5.I’m still pregnant. I’ve been pregnant for the last 15 months.
我还在孕期 我已经怀孕十五个月了
6.Like, she’s pregnant with twins and those twins are pregnant with triplets.
像是怀着双胞胎 而双胞胎又怀着三胞胎
7.Someone’s pregnant, someone got them pregnant, and that’s… why marriage was invented.
有人的肚子被搞大 有人搞大了别人肚子 于是 婚姻就这么应运而生了
8.She’s pregnant with a baby, I’m pregnant with ideas, but y’all ain’t help me up.
她怀了一个宝贝 我怀着无数点子 也没见你们帮我
9.pregnant women or women that are thinking of becoming pregnant, are recommended to increase their folate intake.
针对孕妇或打算怀孕的女性 政府建议应增加叶酸的摄入量
10.Need I remind you, your pregnant wife if she is indeed pregnant was planning to ditch me the second they hit land.
提醒你一下 你那个怀孕的妻子 如果她真的是怀孕了 本来打算一上岸就把我甩掉的