
vi. 脸红, 羞愧
vt. 弄成红色
n. 脸红

n. sudden reddening of the face (as from embarrassment or guilt or shame or modesty)
v. turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame
v. become rosy or reddish


1.If it is a blush, we can’t afford to ignore it.

如果这是阴影 那就不能忽视

2.So please don’t concern yourself with my blushes.


3.I am hot all over with blushes for our sex.

满脑子想着性事 燥热得不行

4.But you know, you blush at everything.

不过话说回来 你没事就脸红

5.Then I sent an emoticon of a blushing angel.


6.And I can tell from your blush it’s true.

你脸红了 看来我猜对了

7.I’m sparing your blushes because we’re supposed to be on the same side.

我是在照顾你的脸面 因为我们应该是一边的

8.I blush when you see me I cry when you sing.

你的目光让我脸红 歌声让我流泪

9.And she had a mouth on her that would make a sailor blush.


10.And if I’m not mistaken, I think I saw you blush.

而且如果我没搞错 我看到你脸红了
