a. 错误的, 虚伪的, 假的, 不老实的
adv. 不准确地, 欺诈地
a. not in accordance with the fact or reality or actuality
s. arising from error
s. erroneous and usually accidental
s. deliberately deceptive
1.false negatives are frequent, false positives are rare.
假阴性的情况还时有发生 但假阳性十分罕见
2.I can’t believe he’s fighting a false witness charge with two false witnesses.
不敢相信他会用两名虚假证人 来为自己唆使他人做出虚假证词来辩护
3.But when you leave two messages saying that something’s a false alarm, it’s not a false alarm.
要是连收两条短信 说某事是一场虚惊 那就不是虚惊
4.Christ wants you to know also that false piety is the greatest of all sins, because false piety is fakery.
还希望你知道 虚假的虔诚是最大的罪恶 因为虚假的虔诚是作假
5.I was ashamed of the childish pages I had written, of the excessive tones, the frivolity, the false mirth, the false pain.
我写的那些幼稚的信 让我羞愧无比 我的文字中那些夸张的语气 轻佻的用词 不恰当的欢愉 矫揉造作的伤痛
6.And then he did have false teeth and by the time I knew him he had a pretty good set, but I think it took a while to get a good set of false teeth.
还镶着假牙 我认识他的时候 他就有副不错的假牙 可是安一副好假牙可不是一两天的事
7.Now this one, believe it or not, makes its predators think that its tail is actually its head, because it’s got false eye spots and an also false antenna here.
就这只 信不信由你 让它的天敌错把它的尾巴当成头 因为它的尾部有对假眼 还有一对假触角
8.I’ve had you here on false pretences.
9.And we didn’t do it under any false pretenses.
10.But I can’t have you out there bearing false witness.