v. 决定, 决心
v. establish after a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study
v. shape or influence; give direction to
v. fix conclusively or authoritatively
v. fix in scope; fix the boundaries of
1.Well, if you’re determined to do this, then I’m determined to help you out as much as I can.
如果你下定決心要這么做 那我也盡全力幫你
2.You will not find anyone who works harder, who is more determined, who brings a kind of energy and passion and determination and inspiration that I bring to this game.
您不会再找到比我更加努力 更有意志力的人了 没人能比得上我为这份工作所投入的 精力 决心和灵感
3.All we’ve determined is that it’s not his flashlight.
我们已经确认的只有 这不是他的手电筒所造成的
4.What I cannot determine is how she escaped.
5.Until they don’t, which is something I’ll determine.
除非这些关系不重要 而这也是由我来做决定的
6.He was so determined that you were meant to be.
他坚信 你就是我们的命中注定
7.You don’t know how determined she is.
8.I was determined to be the first to have you.
我决定要做第一个 品尝你的男人
9.He was determined and very ed up.
他很坚定 而且醉得不成样子
10.Only you can determine if you should.