n. 负荷, 担子, 重担, 装载量, 负载, 工作量, 加载
vt. 装载, 装填, 使担负
vi. 装货, 上客, 装料
[计] 加载, 装入程序
n. weight to be borne or conveyed
n. a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time
n. an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate
n. the power output of a generator or power plant
1.We could please you, loads and loads of strawberries.
2.No, I mean, not, like, loaded loaded.
不 我是说不是上满的那种
3.30 years, loading on and loading off.
三十年如一日 装货卸货
4.It loads when he loads, and it goes when he goes, and that’s the only one.
他上线时才上线 他下线就下线 而那是唯一的通讯器
5.All the load is a big load, it’s 190 tonnes.
总重量很重 有一百九十吨
6.You ell like a saloon, loaded man, loaded gun.
你酒气熏天 醉汉拿着一把上膛的枪
7.You had a full gas load, you had all your ammunition for the guns, and you had the bomb load.
你的油箱要加满 装备好所有的枪械弹药 填装好所有的炸弹
8.That’s why I’m carb loading. I carb load during the daytime, and then I go for a run at night.
正因此我采取了肝糖超补法 我白天补充碳水化合物 晚上跑步
9.I’ve played in pretty much all the year groups, racking up a load of games, a load of tries.
我几乎参与过所有年龄组的比赛 身经百战 备受考验
10.Mules come in from various locations, loaded, leave their vehicles, someone takes the vehicles, removes the load, and returns it with the mule’s payment.
骡子带着货从各地赶来 把车留下 有人会把车开走 卸下货 并将骡子的酬劳与车一起归还