n. 哲学, 人生观, 哲学思想, 哲理, 基本原理, 见解, 达观, 沉着
n. the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics
n. any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation
1.I suggest you keep that philosophy to yourself.
2.No, it’s a way of life and it’s a philosophy.
不 那是一種生活方式 一種信條
3.Buddhi is both a religion and a philosophy.
佛教既是一种宗教 也是一种哲学
4.I was being metaphorical. It’s a terrible philosophy.
我只是打个比方 那是个很烂的人生观
5.And so you sugarcoat it with these bullshit philosophies.
所以你给它裹上糖衣 用这些胡说八道的哲学
6.We can hash out the philosophy there.
7.It’s a philosophy that drives us to excel.
8.Think about it, it’s a very deep, erm, philosophy.
好好想想 这是非常深奥的哲学
9.Our philosophy is that struggle is not a sign of weakness.
10.And now, his philosophy will influence you too.
现在 他的哲学思想也将影响你们