prep. 在…之中
prep. Alt. of Amongst
1.If you want to live among them, then you shall die among them.
如果你想与他们同生 那你也该和他们共死
2.But who we are and why we are here are not among them.
但我们的本质以及存在的原因… …并非无解
3.The strongest among them kill the weakest among them until the very best are left.
最强者杀死最弱者 直到只剩下最强壮的
4.We’re among friends and when you’re among friends you can get around any problem.
我们周围都是朋友 当你周围都是朋友的时候 没什么坎过不去
5.In recent weeks, among the disturbing number of people who’ve tried to kill one or the both of us, he is not among them.
最近几周 有很多该死的人们 试图谋害你我 但他并不在其列
6.Yeah, like trafficking, which was rampant among the local children since the earthquake, but very rare among foreign visitors.
比如贩卖人口 自从地震过后 贩卖当地儿童的人贩日益猖獗 但是很少有针对外国旅客的
7.Join me and walk among the living or follow this blasphemer who thought he could oppose the righteous and now walks among the dead.
加入我和生者一起走下去 或者追随这个 以为可以与正义为敌 却成了行尸走肉的亵渎者
8.The men in the town knew something, or they wanted to keep secrets among them, or they had oaths, and they kept those as secrets among the men.
镇上的人们对此有所耳闻 但社员们想对人们保密 社员们还会秘密宣誓 那些誓言也对人们保密
9.For the first time in the history of our species, we can count among our friends, not just our countrymen, but the people who live among the stars.
這是我們的種族史上第一次 擁有了來自外星的人類作為朋友 而不只是我們自己的同胞
10.and his men should not be among them.
“和船员 “不该是其中之一