n. 鼠, 卑鄙的人, 破坏者, 变节者
vi. 捕鼠, 变节
vt. 弄蓬松
n. any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse
n. a pad (usually made of hair) worn as part of a woman’s coiffure
v. desert one’s party or group of friends, for example, for one’s personal advantage
v. employ scabs or strike breakers in
1.’cause that’s where the rats with all the other rats.
2.On rats. I’ve only ever done it on rats.
对老鼠 我只在老鼠身上试过
3.It’s a bamboo rat. I’ve seen bamboo rats, but this is the lesser bamboo rat and it’s about half the size of the ones that I’ve seen.
它是一只竹鼠 我以前见过竹鼠 但这是体型较小的竹鼠 它是我见过的那些竹鼠的一半大小左右
4.Nothing in those tunnels except rats and more rats.
5.I really don’t like rats. I don’t like rats.
我真的怕老鼠 我讨厌老鼠
6.You went rat hole to rat hole with me.
7.rats in a sewer, my friends, you’re rats in a sewer.
下水道里的老鼠 朋友们 你们是下水道里的老鼠
8.Could be a dead rat or a family of dead rats.
可能死了一只 可能死了一窝
9.That means more rats, and that means rats are in our house.
就意味着会有更多的老鼠 咱们家就会有老鼠
10.I only did it so you wouldn’t rat me out.