n. 环境, 状况, 事件
n. a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activity
n. information that should be kept in mind when making a decision
n. formal ceremony about important occasions
1.Cultural circumstances differ, economic circumstances differ, climatic circumstances differ, but basically we are the same little walking animal.
即使文化传承不同 经济环境不同 气候条件不同 但归根究底我们都是同一种渺小的陆行动物
2.Ahem, mitigating circumstances, my friends, mitigating circumstances.
坦白从宽哪 朋友们 坦白从宽
3.Audrey, this would be embarrassing under any circumstance, but it’s particularly embarrassing under this circumstance.
奥黛丽 无论在什么情况下这都很尴尬 但是这种情况特别尴尬
4.You did what you had to do under the circumstances.
5.If circumstances were different, I’d be all over that.
如果换个环境 我肯定早就颠龙倒凤了
6.It’s about the only circumstances you would be grateful of it.
也只有在那种情况下 才会为此感恩了
7.Once again, under normal circumstances, we would be.
再说一次 在正常情况下是可以的
8.I have explained to you the circumstances.
9.Under those circumstances, we had to be family.
在那样的环境下 我们只能当一家人
10.Given the circumstances, you should be, too.
鉴于现在的情况 你也该紧张