n. 皇帝, 君主
n. the male ruler of an empire
n. red table grape of California
n. large moth of temperate forests of Eurasia having heavily scaled transparent wings
1.The precision of construction here is amazing and, you know, the emperor demanded that and there’s this legend that says the architect told the emperor, he said I can tell you the exact number of bricks it will take to build this fortress.
施工的细致令人叹为观止 当然这是皇帝的旨意 还有这样一个传说 据说建筑师告诉皇帝 他能说出建造要塞所需要的砖头 精确数量
2.And he is my emperor, and I love him.
而他是我的皇帝 我爱戴他
3.He wouldn’t even be emperor if not for you.
要不是你 他甚至都不会成为皇帝
4.You told me you were a galactic emperor.
5.I do not know where the emperor has sent him.
6.You attempted a coup against the emperor.
你组织政变 意图 皇帝
7.And saluted the youth as their emperor.
像这个年轻人 他们新的国王致敬
8.This luxury box is for emperors only.
9.We are descended from emperors and pharaohs.
我们是帝王和法老的 后裔
10.The emperor has ordained I should have a school.