
vi. 变弯曲, 屈服
vt. 使弯曲, 使屈服
n. 弯曲

n. a circular segment of a curve
n. curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)
n. a town in central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range
n. diagonal line traversing a shield from the upper right corner to the lower left


1.And the structure of myosin can bend and straighten itself, and this bending and straightening creates the force required for movement.

肌球蛋白结构使它能够弯曲和伸展 这种弯曲和伸展 产生运动所需的力量

2.We waffle between following the rules and bending them, constantly worrying that if we bend too far, this whole rickety structure might topple and break.

我们一边遵守规则 一边又放宽政策 总是忧心是否放得太宽 这个摇摇欲坠的体系是否会崩塌

3.I can’t bend down. If I could, I wouldn’t ask you.

我弯不下去腰 我自己能脱绝不会要你帮忙的

4.The rules are the rules, and they are not yours to bend.

规矩就是规矩 不是说通融就通融的

5.All right, no bending over, and no driving.

好吧 不能弯腰 不能开车

6.But bending the truth? I don’t know.

可要我扭曲事实 我真下不去手

7.We’re not asking you to bend the rules.


8.That’s it, I’m tired of bending over backwards for you.

就这样吧 我不想再为你折腰了

9.Well, I don’t see why we should have to bend to her.

好吧 我不知道为什么我们要迁就她

10.In the meantime, don’t bend over for the soap.

还有 小心别又惹上麻烦
