n. 宫, 宫殿, 华丽大厦
n. a large and stately mansion
n. the governing group of a kingdom
n. a large ornate exhibition hall
n. official residence of an exalted person (as a sovereign)
1.Then we’ll have it here in the palace.
那我们就在这里 在宫里举行
2.Ice palace for one. Ice palace for one.
独享冰雪宫殿 独享冰雪宫殿
3.Well, it was a palace because it was ours.
是座宫殿 是因为它属于我们
4.I’m not supposed to be here. I’m from the palace.
我不该在这里的 我是从宫殿来的
5.and in the palace, where he belongs.
让他在王宫待着 这才是他该待的地方
6.And a rumor you have a spy here in my palace.
7.I don’t have to sneak anyone in and out of the palace.
8.This was their capital, their palace and their bastion.
这就是他们的废都 这里曾有他们的宫殿 和堡垒
9.Not inside the palace, on the streets.
不是在宫里 而是到平民中间
10.This is a palace of wonder and magic.