
n. 吹笛者, 风笛手, 管乐器吹奏者, 管道安装工, 幼鸽

n. someone who plays the bagpipe
n. type genus of the Piperaceae: large genus of chiefly climbing tropical shrubs


1.You pay the piper, the piper keeps you safe, facilitates a life of recreation.

你有付出 就一定有回报 就能过上逍遥自在的生活

2.piper, I have no idea what that means.

派普 我不知道那是什么

3.piper and I couldn’t get you to shut up about it.


4.piper, power down the compression. I’m on it.

派珀 关停减压机 这就去

5.piper and I would be a happy family.


6.piper, you can always be yourself with me.

派珀 你和我一起 你永远可以做你自己

7.Well, you didn’t, and it’s time to pay the piper.

结果你没赢 所以就该愿赌服输

8.Oh, I have both of you. I’ve bagged two pipers.

你倆都在啊 一次性找到兩位風笛手

9.There’s stuff in there that might belong to piper.


10.piper, pick a side, but we’re going.

派珀 选一边吧 但我们要走了
