
n. 恩惠

s. very close and convivial


1.I don’t have to spell it out for you, dr. boone.

我不需要对你和盘托出 布恩博士

2.boone was as cunning a tactician as any general.

但他和所有将军一样 都是位狡诈的战术家

3.And of course, having you by my side is the greatest boon.

还说明 有你与我并肩 是我最大的幸事

4.You’re gifted, qualified, a boon to any establishment.

有天分 有资历 任何企业有你是他们的幸运

5.I thought you thought life’s a boon.


6.boon. I’m sorry. I know you’re fond of the girl.

布恩 对不起 我知道你喜欢那个姑娘

7.Anything you can remember would be a boon to my investigation.

你能记得的任何事情 对我的调查都会有很大帮助

8.Take this boon and you can’t be killed for five minutes.


9.I only have enough boon to resurrect four people.


10.Because it’s such a huge boon, and take a lot of time.

是很大的恩惠 要耗费很长时间
