
v. 进场;侵入;接近(approach的ing形式)

s. of the relatively near future


1.I’ll approach my brotherinlaw, if you approach your mother.

如果你找 帮忙 我就找我姐夫帮忙

2.approaching the house. I repeat, they are approaching the house.

正在接近房子 重複 正在接近房子

3.I’m still confident that my approach, which you approved, is the only sound approach.

我仍然相信我的方法 你认可的方法 是唯一可行的方法

4.Slow, but I’m still confident that my approach, which you approved, is the only sound approach.

进展缓慢 不过我仍然相信我的方法 你认可的方法 是唯一可行的方法

5.Whenever you are approaching someone, they are approaching you, reading you, searching you for a weakness to exploit.

当你接近一个人时 他们也在接近你 分析你 寻找你的弱点加以利用

6.Between your nononsense approach and my theregularamountofnonsense approach, we make a pretty good team.

结合你的非荒谬型方案 和我的正常程度荒谬型方案 我们是个很棒的团队

7.It’s very important to remember that you never approach royal, you always wait to be approached.

要记住的很重要的一点 你永远不能主动去接近王室 要等着王室来接近你

8.Got two groups one approaching from behind, one approaching from in front.

有两群 一群正从后方接近 另一群从前方

9.My father’s approach to machinery was similar to his approach to his family if you don’t like how something works, keep banging on it until it does what you want.

我父亲对待机器的态度 跟对待家人的态度是一样的 不喜欢什么事情 就一直打到它听话为止

10.They approach the calf and then they discover each other and this looks like a all greeting, but then they go back and follow the calf, who’s probably heard from its mother in the meantime and is approaching its mother.

他们朝小象走来 并看见了彼此 这段似乎是个碰头 然后带着小象往回走了 其间可能是 听见了母象的呼唤 向母象的方向去了
