
n. 地震

n. shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement along a fault plane of from volcanic activity
n. a disturbance that is extremely disruptive


1.And typically, those features are in the aller earthquakes that occur, and how much a all earthquake brings with it, some immediate followon earthquake.

一般来说 这些特征存在于发生的较小地震里 它又能引起多少小型地震 以及紧接着发生的余震呢

2.Maybe in nature, they are sufficiently strong that they could become luminous phenomenon known as earthquake lights that can happen before earthquakes, during earthquakes and also during the aftershock series.

也许在自然界 它们足够强大 形成了在地震前 地震中 以及发生余震时 出现的被称为地震光的明亮闪光

3.We are prototyping earthquake early warning, this is also sometimes called now casting, because it’s not saying there’s going to be earthquake, its rather saying an earthquake has already begun and we’re giving you that information before the waves have travelled from the fault to where you are.

我们正在为地震预警系统建造原型 有时也称它为实时预测 因为它无法预报你地震的发生时间地点 它只能告诉你地震已经发生 然后我们在震波从震源移动到 该地区前给出预警信号

4.This landscape we’re in now has been formed by many, many earthquakes, hundreds and thousands of earthquakes.

我们现在看到的地貌 是经过相当多次的地震所形成的 成百上千次地震

5.This was, we didn’t know if it was a large earthquake or a all earthquake, all we knew was that it was only happening at that one station, not at any of the other stations.

也就是说我们不知道将会发生 多大规模的地震 我们只知道 某一地区将会发生地震 而不是其他地区

6.When one of these faults generates an earthquake, we think that perhaps other faults of the same family can generate earthquakes.

若这些断层中的一个断层能引发地震的话 那么我们认为其他断层 也能引发地震

7.So, if we can measure the earthquakes, where they are in the volcano, then we can actually measure the earthquakes in terms of how strong they are as well.

如果我们测量火山里的 地震活动 我们就可以测量到 地震的强度

8.About two weeks before the earthquake, we started to get these very large pulsations, the next few days, it got busier and busier, it spread out over more of the day, until finally, right there, the earthquake hit.

大概在地震前两周 我们监测到振幅很大的磁脉动 在接下来的几天 波动渐趋频密 每天的波动分布更为频繁 直到地震发生

9.Big earthquakes like this happen in the ocean all the time but of course you can’t go there to see them so academically and scientifically it’s a treat to come to an earthquake like this but of course it’s a very sobering experience as well.

像这样的大地震在海洋里时有发生 当然你没法去那里看 所以从学术和科学角度上讲 能来观测这样一次地震非常难得 当然这也是一段发人深省的经历

10.There’s a 62% chance that a major earthquake will hit this area within the next 30 years, which means an earthquake is nearly twice as likely to happen as not within the lifetime of the s living down there below me.

这座城市在未来三十年 有百分之六十二的概率会遭受大地震 这意味着这场地震 它发生的概率是不发生的两倍 将很可能出现在我脚下城市的居民人生中
