

v destroy by fire
v shine intensely, as if with heat
v undergo combustion
v cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort
v cause to burn or combust
v feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion
v cause to undergo combustion
v burn at the stake
v spend (significant amounts of money)
v feel hot or painful
v burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent
v get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun
v create by duplicating data
v use up (energy)
v burn with heat, fire, or radiation
s ruined by overcooking
s treated by heating to a high temperature but below the melting or fusing point
s destroyed or badly damaged by fire


1.We would have burnt bright for a while and then burnt out.

我们会如同蜡烛 迸发明亮的光芒 然后燃烧殆尽

2.Your stove burnt the pizza up. It’s burnt.

你这烤炉把披萨烤焦了 都糊了

3.Yes, burned up, totally burnt, burnt to nothing.

是的 燃烧一空 灰飞烟灭 不留一丝痕迹

4.I lost part of my nose, part of my ear; my back was burnt; both my legs are burnt.

我的鼻子和耳朵的一部分也没了 背部和两条腿都烧伤了

5.Britta, it might help if every burnt sandwich didn’t come with a selfaware burnt sandwich bit.

布雷塔 如果所有烤焦的三明治上面 不带有自我意识的话估计会有所帮助

6.Black licorice, black jelly beans, in’ blackouts, burnt toast. I don’t give a , I eat burnt toast.

黑色甘草糖 黑色啫喱糖豆 还有 的大停电 烤焦的吐司 我 不在乎 烤焦了我也吃

7.Oh, yeah. I take that piece of burnt‐ass toast, put it between two pieces of in’ pumpernickel, have a burnt‐toast pumpernickel sandwich.

肯定的 我拿那个烧焦的吐司 夹在两片裸麦粗面包中间 做成粗麦面包夹焦吐司三明治吃

8.I’m burnt out, and I’m ready to move on.

我累了 我准备好要向前看了

9.Still has burnt fiberglass all over them.


10.He thinks we burnt down the competition.

