
a. 成长的

n. (electronics) the production of (semiconductor) crystals by slow crystallization from the molten state
a. relating to or suitable for growth


1.Our numbers need to grow and grow and grow.

我们的成员需要不断扩充 扩充 扩充

2.I’m growing up, and you have to grow up as well.

我成长了 你也应该有所成长

3.I’d rather have her grow up hating me than not grow up at all.

只要她能平安长大 她就是恨我也没关系

4.Which helps you to grow where you are already growing.


5.Then, as it grows, the parasite will grow these long tentacles, and the tentacles will grow and they’ll start to creep all the way up inside of his brain.

随着寄生虫的生长 它会长出长触角 那些触角会变长 然后开始蠕动 一直伸进他的大脑

6.What it grows and where it’s growing it will likely kill you.

它生成的东西和生长的地方 很可能会害死你

7.But to keep growing, you’ve got to have somewhere to grow into.

但如果想获得增长 你得找到增长点

8.We grow stronger, the world grows more dangerous.

我们变强了 世界也变得更危险了

9.He is ing sneaking, he’s like… grow up, grow up.

他偷偷摸摸 他就像 成熟點好嗎

10.It’ll grow and grow until it’s a tidal wave.

它会越来越大 直到掀起巨浪
