
n. 洛根(男子名)

n. a mountain peak in the St. Elias Range in the southwestern Yukon Territory in Canada (19,850 feet high)


1.logan, you’re going to have to do for me what I once did for you.

罗根 你要像我曾帮助你那样帮助我

2.logan, there’s no proof that you were the father.

Logan 没有证据 证明你是孩子的父亲

3.logan had more to protect,and you know that.

洛根要掩盖的多了 你明白的

4.logan, his people, they’re the first who do.

洛根 他的人是第一批主动求助的人

5.logan, you suffer from a delusional disorder.

洛根 你患有妄想性精神障碍

6.logan found out we bought that stock.


7.logan will be here soon, we should prepare.

罗根很快就会到 我们要做好准备

8.I just landed at logan. I’m on my way to you.

我刚下飞机 正赶往你那里

9.logan, I admire your dedication to selfdiscovery.

洛根 我钦佩 你对自我发现的投入

10.logan, head on in. I’ll just be a minute.

洛根 你先去吧 我就来
